Escondido Union School District Every Day Counts

In EUSD, all of our students are able to engage in authentic learning experiences that inspire students to understand how their learning can connect to the world around them. One example of this is our Elementary Wheel. Did you know that all EUSD elementary students participate in weekly enrichment lessons provided by our art, STEM, music appreciation, and health and wellness Teachers on Special Assignment?  These hands-on, highly engaging one-hour lessons are designed to help students strengthen their collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, while developing their interests and passions. While students participate in the wheel, their classroom teachers utilize the time for essential teacher-team collaboration and instructional planning, making this a win-win for everyone. 

A teacher sits on the floor with students working on an iPad.Students sit on a floor working on iPads.Two students play a ukulele.A boy plays the ukulele.
Student Attendance Update: This chart compares our district’s attendance percentage each day of this school year (blue line) to the same day of the school year last year (dotted black line). Overall as of this day last year, we had 93.2% of our students present on average each day, and this year we have 94.4% of our students present on average each day. Our students are showing that Every Day Counts in EUSD!

EUSD attendance data chart comparing Last Year to This Year Average Daily Attendance Percentage and depicting the Day of School.

Here are this week’s updates and reminders.

Parent-Teacher conferences: Annual parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday and Friday, October 10 and October 11. These are non-student days. Scheduling information has been shared by your school sites.

GATE Screening: The Escondido Union School District is pleased to continue to offer the Gifted and Talented Education program. For GATE identification, all 2nd-grade students will have the opportunity to participate in universal screening in November. In addition, parents and teachers may recommend students to be GATE screened if they were not previously screened in grades 3 through 8. Parents can pick up a Parent Background and Input Form in the school’s front office and should return it to the school by Friday, October 18. A school team will review requests and determine which students will be eligible to be screened in November. 

Parent notification letters will be mailed to all 2nd-grade families as well as families of students who are currently Provisional the week of October 7th.

For more information, please visit the EUSD GATE district website or stop by your school office. 

Breakfast and Lunch Menus:  All EUSD students have access to no-cost breakfast and lunch.  Families can view our new online menus.  Select your school and menu to see what is being served every day. 

– Luis Rankins-Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools